Patent | Issued | Patent ID |
Predicting Suicidality Using A Combined Genomic and Clinical Risk Assessment (Europe) | 10-30-2024 | EP 3307910 |
Precision Medicine for Treating and Preventing Suicidality | 03-21-2023 | 11,608,532 B2 |
Drugs, Pharmacogenomics and Biomarkers for Active Longevity | 08-06-2022 | EP 3 433 380 B1 |
Blood Biomarkers for Suicidality | 06-29-2021 | 11,047,009 B2 |
Predicting Suicidality Using A Combined Genomic and Clinical Risk Assessment | 04-27-2021 | 10,991,449 B2 |
A series of other patents are pending in various jurisdictions.